Tackle Today: Stock Market Recoveries
February 2, 2022
Repeat after me: “Most stock market corrections don’t become prolonged bear markets.”
February 2, 2022
Repeat after me: “Most stock market corrections don’t become prolonged bear markets.”
December 9, 2021
How do you weather the volatility? Come learn.
December 8, 2021
Yesterday’s message introduced you to the concept of equity risk premium and volatility. Today, let’s shed some additional insight into the second topic.
September 27, 2021
What did you learn from this recent market correction? Here are the questions I consider each time I perform a correction post mortem.
September 23, 2021
Once again, betting that a VIX spike is temporary has proven wise.
September 14, 2020
Herein we explore the perks of lengthening your time horizon and embracing Long-term Investing.
January 28, 2020
Our carefully crafted stock picks for the week were shot to shreds with this morning’s gap. Or were they? Come learn how today’s downdraft impacted the report.
November 8, 2018
≈ The Earth is my witness. ≈ The broad markets are living in turmoil. Emerging market too. As a consequence, many thoughts pass through my head all the time. One of them is the Buddha’s awakening scene in the 1993 movie “The Little Buddha”, directed by Bernardo Bertolucci. Stories like Siddhartha’s enlightenment, described in theREAD MORE
October 15, 2018
By Mark Justice
≈ For an interesting week in the markets. ≈ Here are two trading tips for you to think about as you start out what should be an interesting week in the markets. Tip #1: Do not trade without control of your emotions – Many successful traders wiped out accounts because they were going through aREAD MORE
October 12, 2018
By Tim Justice
≈ Embrace it and learn from it. ≈ Markets have been swept up in bearish sentiment for most of the week as the prices across most stock indices dropped sharply. The fear of losing money is real because losing money is painful. Nobody likes to do it. Which is why there’s a saying that’s beenREAD MORE
August 15, 2018
Act I You’re expecting bad news to hit the market pretty soon. You build your portfolio like Noah built his ark. In your mind, after reading from “specialists”, you are 100% sure that a huge market correction is lurking around the corner. Act II The day of the flood comes and you are prepared. BadREAD MORE
February 3, 2016
Here’s my take on the ultimate capital deployment scheme.