Tackle Today: Mentors are shortcuts | Tackle Trading: The #1 rated trading education platform

Tackle Today: Mentors are shortcuts

cover img Mentors are shortcuts

≈ Don’t reinvent the wheel. ≈

“Finally did my 3-day mentorship with Keith king. If anyone is questioning if having a mentorship is worth the expense, I assure you… it is. I have learned so much the last three days.”

Our Tackle member, Keith Seiler, posted it on the Clubhouse last week.

Last Friday we had our Scouting Report meeting opened for the first time for a selected number of Tackle Insiders. That was like having a live mentorship class, watching seven coaches discussing the broad markets, currencies, indexes, commodities and the famous scouting report picks.

Crocs was also there before you ask. And Coach Gino was on fire. We had a great time.

Mentors are shortcuts. Imagine you sitting next to a person who’s been trading, teaching and mentoring thousands of students for more than 15 years. That’s more than 15 years of hard work and experience wrapped up and evenly distributed in mentorship sessions.

Now picture yourself trying to work all by yourself, alone, from ground zero. It’ll be like reinventing the wheel.

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Take the shortcut.

Chart of the Day

Portfolio Design: Systems & Assets

COD Portfolio Design

(a blueprint)
This is a way of seeing your entire portfolio from above (literally). Starting with why, goals, mindset, and capital. Then, creating buckets of allocation and then breaking down the structure until you reach the individual positions.

Now try to figure it out all by yourself. Notice that the Mentor is the first topic in the first circle. Take the shortcut.

Video of the Day

Ask For Help

Coach T’s thought of the day is to ask for help. If you’re a student and need help or clarity, ask someone for it.

Today’s Lineup


Rules VS Reaction

What did you think of last weeks gift? Is it something that you can get behind or at least wrap your mind around? I hope so because that is the good side of trading. When we have the ability and opportunity to turn the bad into the good with a few clicks of the mouse button that is a tonne of fun. What happens when things go the other way and no such avenues present themselves to salvage our positions? What happens when Mr. Market says it’s your turn to get bit regardless of what you try?

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Traders Lounge 11am EST

Join the coaches in this live lounge, ask questions, discuss ideas or just sit back and listen to veteran traders discuss market conditions.


Cashflow Club 8:30PM EST

Held every Thursday before Friday’s option contract expirations, this show helps you perfect your favorite cashflow strategies.


Halftime Report 12:30pm EST

The Halftime Report starts at 12:30 EST and covers what news is driving the market, chart analysis from the movers and shakers of the day and fun in a way that only Matt and Tim can deliver.


Market Recap 4:30pm EST

The Market Recap is designed to give you a quick overview of the day that was. While brief, this report is designed to cover all of the major events that drove the markets that day and help you plan for the trading day ahead.


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