Beware of Trade Shows & Traveling Circus Snake Oil Salesmen! | Tackle Trading: The #1 rated trading education platform

Beware of Trade Shows & Traveling Circus Snake Oil Salesmen!

We get students asking us about money shows, are they good? I like Money Shows when they come to town, But BEWARE its a Circus! A lot of neat things and tons of free stuff there. Its like being in a toy store.

#1 Problem

BEWARE!! 99% of the vendors there and anyone selling anything DO NOT TRADE AT ALL, or FAILED. peroid.
I love going around and filtering out the true pro’s from cons.. When me and my team question them like we don’t know anything they talk to much and their ignorance spills out and You can see great lies and sweat as they try to answer snake trap questions.

Biggest problem is the free stuff are just tools without a System… and systems work not tools.
THEY FAILED AND are now making $$ selling crap that does Not work for them.
I love to put them throgh the Traders litmus test to see if they are the real deal.
Ask questions like:

– How many years have they worked at the money show? (the longer, the more they make selling than trading, I seen some there selling the same software for years, and same salesmen, what? shouldn’t they hire people to manage? and why haven’t they retired yet and make more from the software)
– Are they at the money show during Market hours (I manage a lot of $, no way would I not be in front of my computer during market hours, unless I made more selling stuff at the traveling show)
– Whats better selling Iron Condors on Indexes like SPX and Russell or iron Condors on The futures of S&p And Russell futures. (any pro option trader can answer that, or at least explain the difference, some so called brokers don’t even know, they shouldn’t call themselves a hedge fund manager if they cant explain)
– What pays better for ROI when a stock moves the OTM calls or the ITM calls??
– Do you have a trading system or a really good indicator? (system is the best answer)
– Show me the money, I want to see your results, winners and losers, NOT back testing results. Back testing never proves anything.
– Have you ever traded Carbon Futures? (ask this to futures traders, it doesn’t exist)
– Whats the difference between Portfolio Margin and Just a regular Margin acct? (option Traders who have been trading with more than 100k no this one)
– Is it better to exit a condor all legs at the same time or calls & puts separetly? ( big traders know you get better fills doing he calls and puts seperately)

Anyways, I spent many a times wlking thru trade shows and learned a lot. But I spent twice as much time Un-Learning & then Re-learning. Its fun but dangerous. I enjoy talking to the brokers though and the true traders who are guest speaking.

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4 Replies to “Beware of Trade Shows & Traveling Circus Snake Oil Salesmen!”

  1. Matt Justice says:

    nothing wrong with money shows. High energy and good stuff. Buyer beware though…lots of trash as well

  2. Daniel Brodhead says:

    Wow, sounds like fun. I’ve never been to one of those.

  3. Solon Stephanou says:

    @gino You’ve opened Pandora’s box on this. Could you answer the question with the Iron Condors on futures. It seems like something that is good to know. Thanks

  4. Iron condors can also be done on futures of the indexes. Pro traders that specialize, or say they make a living on condors and credit spreads, usually know the differences or at least tried to do them with futures… many advantages, like being a 24 hour market, you can protect yourself from gaps and have offsetting positions in the futures to protect your condors. Also, usually more strikes avail etc…. So if you ask them can you do condors on futures? is there a difference? is there any advantages? can you offset or use futures to protect your stock options account? they should answer yes to all those… Then there is the can you do Condors on the Dow? (which doesnt have options but the dow futures “YM” does have options, and requires a brokerage that allows them to be traded)
    Basically the more you have traded, the more experience you find yourself discovering. So when talking to so called traders at the shows, its not that they might not be traders, its just that they might not be as experienced as you are thinking they are. They put out an image of expertise like most salespeople, its just not a true expert or pro.

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