Environmental Hedging | Tackle Trading


Environmental Hedging

In this blog, we delve into how these investors are shorting environmentally harmful companies and investing in sustainable ones. Discover how they turn market moves into powerful tools for ecological protection, merging profit with purpose to drive positive environmental change.

Environmental Hedging

Environmental Hedging – Operation Market Garden: Half-year review

Wassup my friends, hope you had a great 4th of July celebration with lots and lots of BBQ and beers. Today I want to talk about a few different things but first I will dedicate a few words to the birthday boy. Yessir, this week Mr. Shannon turned 32 (I think…). I know exactly whatcha thinkin “dang, he’s 32?? I thought he was

Environmental Hedging

Environmental Hedging – New Kids on the Block

Hola amigos, back to work this week. Short week, 3.5 trading days and a great holiday in the middle, I hope you all had a great and safe 4th of July party with lots of food, music and family. Argentina’s Independence was signed on July 9th, 1816 so I guess we can say it’s a double celebration

Environmental Hedging

Environmental Hedging – Operation Market Garden Phase 1: Concept Design

Hello my friends, long time no see/read…I trust you’ve been doing great, enjoying the nice weather and making some money on the markets. I am doing well, although trading has been not so good the last two months. Specifically, I got hit with two consecutive RUT condors (Cashflow Condor system), and a couple of “fake break-outs”,

Environmental Hedging

Environmental Hedging – Week #34: “Operation Market Garden” Begins

Three blogs and a little over a month have passed. Since the first one, we have kept an eye on the market and reviewed a few trades. We have also planted a few veggies with profits from trading the EH system and watched them grow. And finally, last week we experienced first-hand the importance of trade management as a

Environmental Hedging

Environmental Hedging – Week #33: A Year in Review

Tackle Traders!  So about a year and a half ago, in a bourbon-fueled conversation, Matt and Tim Justice and myself were speculating on my next move after Legacy. I was leaving the road with Matt, Beau, and Trace due to some personal issues; that, and my trading returns were exceeding my income at the time.

Environmental Hedging

First lesson learned: The Importance of Management

“Previously on Environmental Hedging…” we set the goals for the rest of the year and I shared some thoughts about the current market condition and its volatility. As every week, we went over some ongoing and potential trades, and set-ups from the Dirty and Clean lists. And we talked about how to scale up/down trades and gardening

Environmental Hedging

Environmental Hedging – Week #32: The Big Squeeze

Hooty Hoo Tackle Traders!!  I’m back and coming to you from the beautiful island of the nation of Indonesia! But once again, not really… I have moved onward but chronologically the blog has me in Indo—but was almost caught up, folks! That said, it was nice to be back in the developing world. In my earlier years, the majority

Environmental Hedging

Environmental Hedging – Week #31: Gardening in a volatile market 

    Well, I survived the first blog, and even got a few nice comments from students and coaches, mission accomplished!!…just kidding, mission is not even close to be accomplished, we are just getting started with this. I’m excited to write again, especially considering all the things that had happened during the last three weeks: I took profits on the system and compounded in

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