Options Theory: How Dividends Impact Option Premiums
Option premiums are influenced by dividends. Today’s video will show you why. I also look at a covered call strategy designed to capture a dividend and why I’m not a huge fan of the idea.
Option premiums are influenced by dividends. Today’s video will show you why. I also look at a covered call strategy designed to capture a dividend and why I’m not a huge fan of the idea.
Here’s a concise yet comprehensive overview of the short strangle strategy. Watch me build one on CCJ as an example.
Today’s video explores the realities of diversification and how to manage a naked put gone awry.
Today’s video explores how to fine-tune a bull put system on Index ETFs like SPY/QQQ.
Today’s video helps you better choose between naked puts and bull puts. Moreover, it investigates whether it’s better to sell multiple narrow spreads (e.g., sell two $5-wide spreads) or a single wider spread (e.g., sell one $10-wide spread).
The slow market has the VIX in the basement. Here’s my favorite strategy for buying the low volatility.
If you’re looking for a “how to” guide on rolling puts, this is the place.
Today’s video explains your management options when your covered call moves ITM.