Options Theory: How ITM Covered Calls Work
Today’s video reviews the best practices for trading ITM covered calls around earnings announcements.
Today’s video reviews the best practices for trading ITM covered calls around earnings announcements.
Today’s video explains how to trade volatility and the four different types of long vol strategies: straddles, strangles, inverted flies, and debit condors.
Today’s video explains how the put/call ratio works.
Today’s video discusses the nuances of Last-In-First-Out (LIFO), First-In-First-Out (FIFO), and how to identify which lots you want to exit when you own multiple shares/contracts purchased at different prices.
Today’s video explores multiple ways to build option orders in ThinkorSwim.
Come learn the nuances of how bull put spreads are priced near expiration and why it makes rolling out tricky.
This is how I roll naked puts when they go against me.
Perceived risks drive options premiums, and confirmation isn’t free. Come learn the costs of waiting until the coast is clear before selling puts.
This video shows you what makes a naked put tick.