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Tackle Trading Blog

Googling investing tips got your head spinning? We understand.

Our blog is written and curated by professional traders who practice what they preach every day. Enjoy the reading!


Option Rolling

In this episode of the Cash Flow Club, Coaches Gino and Noah give a look at rolling options strategy, including: In-depth look at why to roll options (such as locking in profit, fixing a trade that’s gone crazy), The terminology of rolling options, How important it is to use the right lingo, When to roll options


The Morning Mailbag: Moving Averages

Coach Tim is back to answer a question about moving averages. If you want to be featured on the Morning Mailbag, post in our clubhouse, tag @timjusticeutah on twitter, or post on our Facebook page. — Tackle Trading LLC (“Tackle Trading”) is providing this website and any related materials, including newsletters, blog posts, videos, social


The Morning Mailbag: TOS Terminology

Coach Tim of Tackle Trading answers a question about Thinkorswim terms, what they mean, and how to interpret the information. Enjoy! — Tackle Trading LLC (“Tackle Trading”) is providing this website and any related materials, including newsletters, blog posts, videos, social media postings and any other communications (collectively, the “Materials”) on an “as-is” basis.  This

Tales of a Technician

Tales of a Technician: The Extrinsic Value Trick

I’m the anti-handyman. Just ask my wife. Fixing stuff in the house intimidates me. Could I figure it out? Sure I could, but when you don’t know what you’re doing things take forever.

Tales of a Technician

Tales of a Technician: The Santa Claus Rally

Ho ho ho! I’m Santa, and I’m a friend to investors one and all. Matter of fact, I’m probably their best friend. My loyalty is unmatched. I deliver more gifts to stockholders than any other fictional, mythical figure.

Tales of a Technician

Tales of a Technician: Forecasting School for Dummies

Every year market strategist from the who’s who of investment firms unveil their year-end targets to the trading masses. It’s like an early Christmas present! The little people get to take a peek at what the all-knowing big wigs think is going to happen in the months ahead.

Tales of a Technician

Themes to Watch for in 2016

The silly season of prophecy and forecast is among us. The seers are preaching what’s coming in 2016 and gullible investors are lapping it up. While I’m not a big fan of predictions laced with certitude, nor those that peddle such, I do think we can learn a thing or two from their craft. For


Tackle 25: 2016 Edition

The latest edition of the Tackle 25 for 2016 is being released tomorrow morning and is better than ever. While the Tackle 25 is not a long term fundamental or technical list, we certainly took those forms of analysis in mind when selecting the 25 stocks placed on Tackle Trading’s list of best covered call

Stock Report: 1.03.16

Coach Matt in the latest edition of the Stock Report analyzes the broad market, the lack of the Santa Clause rally as well as goes over the bulls and the bears and who will win at the end of the week. The first stock report of the year is for all members. If you are

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