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Rookie Corner

Rookie Trader, welcome to the Rookie Corner.

If you are a brand new trader, start here on the Rookie Blog. Coach Greg Holmes will teach you how to become a professional trader.

Rookie Corner

Rookie Blog: Preparedness Part IV

Welcome back all, we have been talking about being happy with our trades even when they go against our initial thesis. We have talked about ensuring that our bet size is small enough that is doesn’t cloud our judgment or stir up emotions that would cause us to freeze and sit and hope that our

Rookie Corner

Rookie Blog: Preparedness Part III

We are continuing our theme of being happy with whatever outcome we end up with, in a trade. If it a losing trade then we get to learn from it and if it is a winning trade then we get to profit from it. That little statement sounds great in theory but in practice, it

Rookie Corner

Rookie Blog: Preparedness Part II

Last week we talked about being happy with whatever outcome we have in our trades. We talked about this because we really never know what a trade will ultimately do.

Rookie Corner

Rookie Corner: Preparedness

Hey, Y’all! This week I want to talk about the current market situation and some observations I have had recently with my peers and how I believe this relates to all traders from rookies right on down to the legends. Check out this chart below and notice the markings I put on it.

Rookie Corner

Rookie Corner: The Trends

Good Day All, this week I want to talk about trends. I am talking about all kinds of trends, not just stock market trends although those are what we are most concerned about. I am going to talk about the trends I see developing and maybe more importantly trends I believe may come to an

Rookie Corner

Rookie Corner: The Pride Before the Fall!

Good Day All. This weeks blog is going to be different than what I am usually all about in this blog. I usually try to extole some wisdom gleaned from experience or my own education but this week is brought to you by the bragadocious of some participants in the game of trading. I usually

Rookie Corner

Rookie Corner: Jumping Off!

Good Day folks, we are back with another edition of the rookie blog. Last week in the blog we talked about using INDICATORS and I gave all the rationale for their use and abuse. I believe that as traders we need to utilize all the tools available to us but I am also well aware

Rookie Corner

Rookie Corner: Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Hello Rookie Bloggers! Today’s little diddy comes courtesy of the news media. I chose this topic today because I have recently seen a lot of news headlines that have solicited quite a reaction in the overall markets and I have had some questions, well maybe not questions perse’ but definitely perplexed reactions or comments come

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