Tales of a Technician
Tales of a Technician: Managing ITM Covered Calls
Come find out your options with managing covered calls when you’re ITM and expiration nears.
Come find out your options with managing covered calls when you’re ITM and expiration nears.
Come watch me analyze recent naked put trades.
This is how I think about and trade through a bear market.
Come learn about the difference between FIFO and LIFO and how to best keep track of your numbers when scaling in and out.
What to make of the massive bitcoin bounce.
If you don’t sow while prices are low, you have nothing to reap when they go high.
Here’s my take on the current bear market action and how I’m trading it.
Stocks vs. options? Who wins the battle? Which one is better? What are the tradeoffs? Come find out.
They can be. Here’s what you should consider as you make your decision.