Last Update: August 2021
Hi everyone,
For those who never heard about me, let me introduce myself. You probably saw my work here before, considering that I am the Graphic Designer behind Tackle’s visuals. 😀
My name is Jessica Marinho, but most often than not, I go by Jess only.
The reason why our dear Emily is not writing this week’s blog post, is because as many of you who follow us on our social platforms might have seen, we had our very first annual Tackle Trading Live Training, and that was the opportunity I needed to jump into Ms. Muriuri’s arms and ask her to let me be a part of this awesome movement that Women in Trading is.
Both Emily and Rose – the creators of WiT – were sweet enough to have me as a guest writer and allowed me to share a little bit of my story with all of you this week.

I will briefly let you know a little bit about myself just so you have some perspective on my story. I am originally from Brazil but have been living in Colorado for the past four years. Back home, I’ve been through all kinds of jobs you can imagine: Secretary, radio speaker, cooker, maid, graphic designer, auto mechanic (yes, this one was my favorite!) among many others.
Life was lived on a daily basis only. There was never time, money or opportunity for goal setting or future planning. I was lucky enough to have found a partner who saw all the potential I had and introduced me to the life I’ve been living since 2012.
It is a tough decision to leave everything you are familiar with behind and just move into another country. It takes guts – and lots of wine! Just kidding. After two years of Arts School, I realized that Graphic Design wasn’t going to be the only profession I was going to have in my life. Enters the Justices *pause for dramatic entrance* It took me 37 minutes of hearing our Coach and one of my dearest mentors, Mr. Matt Justice talking on that ballroom, to understand that Trading was going to be a major part of my life from there on.

But you know, life happens. And I’ve never seen life happening when we are all ready for it, on fight mode, expecting the worse to be thrown at us. And just like that, while I was at my most vulnerable and open, life happened and knocked me down hard.
At age 13 I was diagnosed with a severe chronic kidneys disease. I’ve battled it ever since, but it wasn’t until I was all in into trading that my kidneys decided to act up on me and say “Excuse me young lady, it looks like you have some big plans ahead… What about NO?” It was so freaking hard. I had to take many steps back from trading, completely lost all my momentum, and had to focus solely on keeping those two God darn things working – Screwed up Kidney number 1, and Screwed up Kidney number 2.

It took me a year to get back on my feet, and as always, my mentor was there for me. So, I got back to Salt Lake City, did another mentoring, and felt like this time I was going to take Wall Street by storm. I was so eager to get back in the game that I mismanaged all my trades, took huge losses to the portfolio I had, and completely lost momentum, faith, and hope in my trading.
The reason why I am sharing all my failures with you guys is just so you understand that these failures do not define you.
Past performance is not an indicator of future potential. Let me repeat myself here. Past performance is not an indicator of future potential.

This is not an ad post. I don’t have to sell you guys anything, so don’t think that I am trying to advertise a Tackle Trading Pro Membership here. But here is what brought me back to my feet: Tackle. Ms. Muriuri was one of my main motivations without even knowing about it. I would read her posts and all this fire inside of me just started burning again. I reached out to Tim Justice and said that I was tired of feeling lost in this world. That I knew I was capable of more and that I needed direction. Guess what happened? The Justices did what they always do. Tim grabbed me by the hand and said that we were going to fix that.
This is what I need you all to understand from this post: You don’t have to do this on your own. Trading can feel like a scary and lonely road, but it doesn’t have to! So here I go to Salt Lake once more, for my third mentorship (This is how many mentorships it took me just to get on the right path). Tim and I worked for two full days, at full speed, like there was no tomorrow. There is so much more behind the scenes of a Mentorship than people imagine. It is not sitting down and clicking buttons and memorizing strategies. It is all about systems, and creating a System that works for you!!! And that’s what Tim and I worked on. Trading had become such a stressful aspect of my life, that I haven’t slept for the past 13 months, and no, that is not a figure of speech. I would lay in bed and all I could think was how everything was falling apart.

Therefore, everything else was being affected by my lack of knowledge, discipline, and success in trading. Tim deserves a medal for bearing two whole days of gallons of tears with me. It takes some deep digging people. It takes a lot of auto-evaluation in order to understand what the problem is and finding a solution for it. For me, it was the stress. That’s where my rockstar mentor enters. Tim realized that all my trades need to be automated. We sat down on our swimsuits – which was the required attired to survive another day in the pool of tears that I had transformed Tim’s office into – and figured out which strategies would work for me and we practiced. And we backtested. And I frustrated the heck out of Tim because my over-analyzing brain wanted to understand every aspect of each step of the way. Naked Puts, Covered Calls and Inverted Butterflies. That was my final recipe for a successful automate Trading System. That was my System, and I wouldn’t have been able to get to it by myself. It is all about the process guys, and you have to trust it.
Now that you all know the behind the scenes of how messy my Trading path was, I will share with you how it is working on next week’s post 😉 Keep tuned for more Women in Trading!
And for those who want to put a face into my voice, here I am with the two Dojis of my journey. Thank you for being the pivot point of my bearish trend Mr. Justices!

Jessica Marinho
Graphic Designer & Rookie Trader
Financial freedom is a journey
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11 Replies to “Women In Trading: Getting My Momentum Back”
Oh my what a nice story!
Thank you for sharing, very encouraging.
Great turnaround Jessica. All the very best to you. Thanks for sharing your challenges.
Awesome! Very inspiring! Congrats!!
You are awesome Jess! onwards and upwards we go!
Talk about determination! Thanks for being so transparent. Ever forward!!
Great Blog Jessica!! Thanks for sharing your journey with us 🙂
Dang! Awesome blog post Jessica! Thank you for sharing your ‘future is bright’ spirit. Btw, love the imbedded video’s too!
Thanks for sharing your ups and downs with trading and life.
Great story! Great graphics!!!!!
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