Rookie Corner: Broker Madness! Part 3 | Tackle Trading: The #1 rated trading education platform

Rookie Corner: Broker Madness! Part 3

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Hey Rookie Bloggers! We are back with the blog talking about the IB platform. We had a very cool Mind of Trader event last week and to my dismay, I was unable to cover all the things I wanted to but fortunately, I have this medium in which to play as well.

So, this week in the video I am to go over how to do spreads with bracket orders. I will be going over a few of the different order types and the ones that I find work well and some that are not as good in my opinion. In addition to this, I am going to go over some charting features as well. For a lot of you, I think doing your charting and research on TOS is most likely a possibility and probably a good idea but for those who do not have that ability or wish to only work with one platform then I will show a bunch of cool things about the charts in IB

So, check out this weeks video and feel free to leave any feedback about things I may have missed or items you want me to go into more detail about.

Happy Trading All,

Coach Holmes

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