Tackle Today: The Greatest Strategies Of All Time | Tackle Trading: The #1 rated trading education platform

Tackle Today: The Greatest Strategies Of All Time

CI The Greatest Strategies Of All Time

≈ What do they all have in common? ≈

Which investment strategies were successfully implemented by the most prosperous and victorious investors of all time?

We suggest you grab a few names you know of (George Soros, Richard Dennis, Peter Lynch, Warren Buffett etc.), jump right into Google, Wikipedia or Investopedia and learn what they have done in the past and how they adapted their systems to survive any market landscape.

Whatever the strategies are—and the list will probably range from breakout systems to value investing—, there is one thing they all have in common: none of them was based on predicting where the prices would go tomorrow or next year.

Forecasting direction is not something suitable for successful investors. Only fools think they have such a forecasting power. Wall Street and the specialized media are packed with this type of individuals and we should not listen to them.

Chart of the Day



It was about time some smart people shake the work of finance. Trading used to be boring. Not anymore! We used to spend too much time trying to build the perfect investment strategy, only to see everything ruined by a Trump tweet. Not anymore!


We are proud to announce the newest trading indicator: DCI® – The David Ciporkin Indicator®.

You can now develop the most successful investment strategy in the whole Universe by utilizing the amazing DCI® to predict where the markets will go during the next 2 or 3 days.

Let’s recognize the genius behind such achievement. Let’s head to the clubhouse and cheer our beloved member David Ciporkin (https://tackletrading.mn.co/posts/2144246).

Nice work buddy. To infinity and beyond!

Video of the Day

What is the Black Scholes Model

The Black Scholes model, is a mathematical model of price variation over time of financial instruments like stocks and ETFs that can be used to determine the price of an option.

Today’s Lineup


How to Use Volatility to Your Advantage

Hello, friends. This is Tyler Craig pinch-hitting for Greg, the captain of Canada, while he’s away. Let’s have some fun, eh? Market volatility is on the top of my mind, and I suspect it may be giving some of the rookies (and, ahem, veterans) among us some heartburn. I’ve compiled my top tips and tricks for weathering the turmoil and will share them below.

Keep Reading →

Coaches Lounge 11am EST

Join the coaches in this live lounge, ask questions, discuss ideas or just sit back and listen to veteran traders discuss market conditions.


Cashflow Club 8:30PM EST

Held every Thursday before Friday’s option contract expirations, this show helps you perfect your favorite cashflow strategies.


Halftime Report 12:30pm EST

The Halftime Report starts at 12:30 EST and covers what news is driving the market, chart analysis from the movers and shakers of the day and fun in a way that only Matt and Tim can deliver.


Market Recap 4:30pm EST

The Market Recap is designed to give you a quick overview of the day that was. While brief, this report is designed to cover all of the major events that drove the markets that day and help you plan for the trading day ahead.


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