Women in Trading: My Trading Journey | Tackle Trading: The #1 rated trading education platform

Women in Trading: My Trading Journey

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The community that I found through trading has supported me to not shy away from being a beginner on this path.

I spent my first few years out of college working and interning for causes I cared about, however, they all had something in common: I was working 80+ hour weeks and found myself consistently broke. After realizing I was doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, I finally set a financial goal as part of my 2017 new year’s resolution. It was that January that my mom invited me to join her for a class she was taking to learn about the financial markets. That weekend opened my eyes to a world I didn’t think was possible for me to ever understand and gave me the foundation to start my trading journey. While “the numbers” seemed overwhelming at first, I understood that the system was purposely built to contain a lot of jargon and confusion. After this class, I quickly started taking online classes, reading up on the markets, and participating in a mentorship program. I even started trading during lunch breaks from work and spending Sundays once a month with the Women in Trading group that formed in the D.C. area.

Learning to trade has had some unexpected lessons, constant teachers and reminders that I apply to my life daily. It gave me confidence to not shy away from numbers — weather I’m looking at a report at work or scouting for trade positions. It also put me on a path to start thinking strategically about budgeting, savings, retirement as well as learning risk management techniques. Most importantly, the community that I found through trading has supported me to not shy away from being a beginner on this path.

I’m still working and pursuing a master’s degree in the process on top of trading, therefore, this journey isn’t without its challenges. The difference now is I have more concrete plans about my future, which will include spending more time loved ones as well as having the means to contribute to causes that I care about — by mastering trading.

Hila Arbell

Hila Arbell

Hila is a media professional who started her trading journey in 2017. A member of the Women in Trading group, Hila is passionate about personal development and financial education.

3 Replies to “Women in Trading: My Trading Journey”

  1. Beth Salamanca says:

    Nice blog, Hila! Having retired from the DC area, I totally relate to that 80hr week. DC is the epicenter of workaholism. Wishing you the best of success and looking forward to hearing more about your trading and life journey!

  2. JacobAgbor says:

    Nice share, and GOOD LUCK TO OUR JOURNEY’S!!

  3. JimGuanzon says:

    Great Post. Thank you Hila.

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