February 24, 2023
By Mark Justice
«and risk assets are none too happy about it.»
January 20, 2023
«Get a piece of every asset you like>»
January 13, 2023
«Check out what is happening today at Tackle Trading!>»
December 30, 2022
«4 Tips to Survive this Manic Market.»
March 23, 2022
By Greg Holmes
Wouldn’t it be nice to buy a stock and have it go up right away every time? Follow the P/E Ratio.
September 9, 2021
There are two ways to explain market growth. It either comes from earnings growth or multiple expansion.
November 8, 2017
By Greg Holmes
This week we are wrapping up our discussion on Fundamental Analysis with a video blog in which I go through a live comparison of two great companies to see if they are fundamentally sound and which one might be a better pick!
October 26, 2017
By Greg Holmes
This week we are fitting all the pieces of fundamental analysis together! Here we are back again ready to bring all the concepts of fundamental analysis together into a usable skill set.
October 18, 2017
By Greg Holmes
We are back to set the foundation for successful trading. During our last meeting, we started to break down the concept of fundamental analysis. This concept being, that we are able to use numbers to discern the value of company A versus company B.
October 11, 2017
By Greg Holmes
I trust you all have your goals written down and reviewed. I also trust that you have done the work to imprint those goals into your subconscious. If you have done this then you are well on your way to success.