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Tackle Trading Blog

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Our blog is written and curated by professional traders who practice what they preach every day. Enjoy the reading!

Tales of a Technician

Tales of a Technician: Your Trading Enemy

You, friend, are your worst enemy. And if you don’t discover the elixir for staving off self-sabotage quickly you’ll suffer the fate of so many traders who have come and gone before you: Death and destruction.

Tales of a Technician

Tales of a Technician: The Trump Trade

Pre-election jitters are building and weak-kneed investors are abandoning ship left and right. The small- cap laden Russell 2000 Index is now 8% off its September high and the rest of the big benchmark are following in-kind. But do you know where risk is perceived to be the highest? Mexico. I’ll leave the search for

Tales of a Technician

Tales of a Technician: Election Magic

It was the eve of Election Day; the final chapter of a bloody battle between a crooked donkey and a bombastic, wicked-tongued elephant.

Tales of a Technician

How to Manage a Risk Reversal

Want to know how I would have managed the bullish risk reversal trade on X from last weekend’s commodity report? Feast yer eyes on this: Your browser does not support the video tag.

Tales of a Technician

Tales of a Technician: Was Silver Ever Bullish?

Hat tip to Derek for bringing up today’s topic in the clubhouse. I think the query of whether or not silver prices were bullish in 2016 merits further investigation. Fascinating points were made all around, and I can’t help but throw my thoughts into the ring. The entire discussion boils down to two key points:

Tales of a Technician

Tales of a Technician: How Theta Raiders Trend Trade

Riding the trend is different with option selling. The limited reward nature of naked puts and the like means once the credit runs out, your profit dealing ventures are over. Unless, of course, you sell another put. And another one after that. And another after that.

Tales of a Technician

Tales of a Technician: The January that was

To extract every last ounce of goodness from market movements this year, I’m launching a new feature here at Tales of a Technician. It will be a retrospective where I look back on the previous month to highlight what I did right, what I did wrong and key trades that defined my bottom line.

Tales of a Technician

Tales of a Technician: The February That was

Time for the second installment of our monthly retrospectives. If you missed last month’s, then your life is half as joyful as it should be and not nearly entertaining enough.

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