Women in Trading

Dive into the dynamic world of women in trading with this insightful blog post by our Coach Emily Muiruri.

Women In Trading

Women in Trading: Yes We’re Open for Business!

Hello Tackle Traders, Tis the season traders! The most wonderful time of the year is once again upon us and as everyone one is busy getting their Christmas decorations and shopping lists checked off, Santa forgot to set his alarm close because the Santa Clauss rally we’ve come to expect is late for the party.

Women In Trading

Women in Trading: Can’t Touch This – Fall Edition

Hello Tackle Traders!! Can you believe it’s October already? Just a few short weeks ago we were dipping in the pool soaking in the sun and now we’re digging out our sweaters and light jackets for the morning and evening cool breezes. Before I get started I just want to give a big shout out

Women In Trading

Women in Trading: Give me some of that mojo!

Olá Tackle Traders!! Your girl Jess is back in the house! Sorry for being away for so long, but I’ve been busy with the team putting some amazing things together for you all. With all of this craziness going on in my life, I always seem to have trading on the backburner and not give

Women In Trading

Women in Trading: Just Do It

Hello Tackle Traders! I am excited to be back to bring you another edition of WIT after a few weeks on hiatus. I took a little break to recharge and spend time with my kiddos but I am happy to back here with you lovely folks. Since my mentor Tim challenged me to start writing

Women In Trading

Women in Trading: Back to School

Hello Tackle Traders! The dog days of summer are slowly inching away from us and I feel like I have not taken full advantage of the sunny days that we had been praying for when the temps were in negative digits not that long ago. Then again, it has been raining like every other day

Women In Trading

Women in Trading: Don’t forget to have fun!

  Hey traders, coach Emily here with another edition of Women In Trading. I know a lot of you can relate when I say that when it comes to being up to date with what is happening in the markets tackle is the place to be. If Tackle were like an airline tracking our views,

Women In Trading


  Hello Tackle Traders Can you believe it’s July already? Where does the time go! I remember it being January and the weather being so cold I was wishing it was summer. Like most people, I set some resolutions in January and now that we are halfway through the year, it’s a good time to

Women In Trading

Women in Trading: The Days of Summer

Hi there Tackle Traders! I’m slowly coming off the highs of the Washington Capitals Stanley Cup win and parade. These past few weeks Washington DC has been so vibrant with everyone rocking the red and ALLCAPS. The players were just wonderful in how they celebrated their win with the fans. I think they will be

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